
Home of the Millers


March 8, 2020


Carlton Town are delighted to announce that Supporter Ash Enright with the help of Strategic Development Officer Dave Hodgson have secured the club £250 in funding from the HSBC Community fund taking the amount raised for the all new ground fund to £1,750.

Jackie North got the fund off to the perfect start with a £1,000 donation on becoming a Vice President at the club and the fund was further boosted by the Chairman’s good friends Peter and Jenny with a brilliant £500.

The fund was set up to ensure that if Carlton get promotion, this season or some time in the future, they will have an improved pitch and car park facilities and be able to meet Bet Victor Premier League ground grading.

Although most of the credit for this latest donation should go to Ash, the role of Dave Hodgson should not be underestimated as the Strategic Development officer continues to work hard behind the scenes in his quest to bring in funding.

Ash told Dave and the Chairman ” I was hoping to get £500 but feared we would get nothing so hopefully the £250 will make a small difference for the club”

“Also any projects that the club believes would be appropriate for a group of volunteers I can organise and I know redecorating areas as been mentioned and myself and a handful of others could take a day off work to attend and I can work towards scheduling that for a date that’s convenient any time from the beginning of April” Ash continued.

“Especially this season, I’ve really been enjoying attending matches and I know myself and others do feel part of something as fans”

” Would also like to say I appreciate all the effort that goes into running the club and especially so during the recent struggles” concluded Ash.

The club will officially launch the fund at the Dragon pub on Sunday 29th March when Supporters chief Alan Murphy and Chairman Mick Garton will be amongst those doing DJ sets.

The club have also had their official attendance capacity reassessed in recent days and are awaiting for the report, but are hoping the inspectors will raise the capacity given work done in recent years to enable the club to hold the amount required for Premiership status.

For now, the club would like to say a big Thankyou to Ash in particular and Dave as well for his part in this, It all helps and with a good turnout on Sunday 29th March, there is reason to think, the club can get that fund up to around the £2,500 Mark.
