
Home of the Millers


May 20, 2022


Carlton Town have today announced that Mad Gav is to join the club in an official capacity and will take on the new role of Community and Corporate Engagement Officer.

Gavin who introduced WBA Champion of the World Leigh Wood to the club last season will begin his role ahead of the 2022-2023 season in July and his remit is to work with new business in the area and in particular with companies opening up on the Colwick Loop road. The plan is for Gavin who is extremely well connected in Nottingham and beyond to engage with the community and in particular local companies to form hopefully long lasting partnerships, he will also be heavily involved with work the club do for local Charities.

Ground work is currently being carried out by the Chairman and Boatsy and friends of the club to make contact with potential new partners and Gav will work with Boatsy and Trevor Wells on the project to bring the ground up to NPl Premier league standard.

Work to do this as already begun with the new turnstile installed last season being a Premier League ground grading requirement , more standing cover is the next project and Gavin will be heavily involved with that as an early priority in his new role.

Like many others at the club, Mad Gav’s work is voluntary and will be provided totally for the benefit of the club and all involved with it. This website understands Gav is thrilled to be involved and can’t wait to get stuck in and we have been promised a statement in due course.

Speaking on behalf of the club’s Executive Committee, Mark Steggles told us “Gavin’s been helping out at the club during last season and would be a great asset to the committee and the club as community officer and we would look forward to working with him in the future. Welcome to the Carlton Town family”

His close friend Boatsy who introduced him and his beautiful Wife Kerry to the club told us. “This is a brilliant appointment, I can’t think of anybody better, this is right up his street and I’m confident he will be a success, he’s somebody who just gets things done, watch this space”

Boatsy himself will next week be starting to look for sponsors for pre season friendlies which will be officially announced in the coming days, along with player sponsors for next season, once Tommy and Mark comfirm there squad in the coming weeks.

Chairman Mick Garton meanwhile  featured on the proper football show on Thursday night and voiced his exasperations with the new league allocations which Carlton have appealed. The link to the show is below.
