
Home of the Millers


August 5, 2019


Carlton Town Chairman Mick Garton arrived back from Ibiza at the weekend after taking a short break following the death of his father and has come back invigorated and looking forward to the new season.

He hit the ground running Sponsoring two new players, Dan Brown and Chris Marshall,  telling us he was delighted to see new exciting talent at the club and giving us an update on his thoughts ahead of the new partnership’s at the club with the season now only days away.

” I was back in time for the Belper United game but saw little of the action as I was dealing with Tote entries, Kit Sponsorship and general enquiries ” the Chairman told us today.

” I am very much looking forward to working with Tommy again, we had a great relationship the last time he was here, yes there were challenges and occasional disagreements, but the key was we were both pulling in the same direction ”

” I’m now alongside Barry which is going really well, he is totally switched on and hands on, which is fantastic for me and I’m confident we will make a good team”

” Tommy obviously now works alongside Mark which is new for us , but my first impressions of Mark tell me , I would have been minded to take him on here on his own merit if Tommy hadn’t comeback ”

” Mark applied for the job here when Tommy originally left some nine years ago and it was one of the applications Chuck dealt with and for what ever reason,  he got down to the final 6, but not to the interview stage and don’t get me wrong,  Les Mcjannet was definitely the right appointment, but I think that having got to know him, Mark would certainly have also been a decent choice for the job here, make no mistake about that”

” The response we have had to the season ticket early bird offer and the extension I announced as been fantastic and I will reveal final numbers when I catch up with last minute applications and the paperwork when I return to the office this week”

” Brian tells me, we now have a Matchball Sponsor for the first home game v Sutton Coldfield Town on Wednesday 21st August so a massive thankyou to the  “Its in the Bank” pub in Netherfield,  we also have a number of supporters travelling down to Barton Town on the official coach Saturday for our opening game in the Fa Cup”

” One of the questions supporters had, is would the coach been leaving Barton at a set time after the game and Tommy has been very clear, the players will stop for a bite to eat, support the opponents bar by having an after match drink, but the coach will leave at 5.45pm, an hour after the scheduled finish of the game” concluded the Millers Chairman.

Any supporters wanting to come on the official coach which leaves Stoke Lane at 11.15am, can do so at a cost of just £10 each return and can book by contacting Brian Dennett on 07850 234543.

