
Home of the Millers


September 3, 2021


The brilliant 150 Club , the brain child of the Millers Supporters club is having an audit and a relaunch in September.

It has been mentioned recently that it was believed a handful of people had either dropped out or for whatever reason , were not paying their monthly subscriptions and an audit is currently being undertaken to clarify who is up to date with payments and who is not, as the competition as primarily been run on a trust basis.

The benefit for the club as been brilliant and the supporters are happy on the basis, they have a say in where the profit from the competition is spent and that has been mainly to date on the playing surface. Other suggestions were put forward by supporters representatives at the recent board meeting and it was asked if an extra covered standing area for supporters could be looked into.

As part of that process, the club is helping make extra prizes available from time to time for the draw including some very special prizes for the September relaunch.

Senoir figures at the club have committed to give the competition a real push in the coming days and for now, the following numbers are available at only £10 per number per month payable by standing order.

14. 29. 85. 106. 109. 114. 115. 116 117 118 123 125 128. 131. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 145. 146. 147. 148.

It is believed a handful of other numbers will become available when the audit is completed but for now, any of the above can be snapped up.

Former Millers player Brian Hickling became the latest to join the club today when he committed to number 144 and the beauty of this competition is it involves, Players, ex players, management, Commitee and supporters and Talk Sport presenter Jonny Owen was another who recently came on board.

The September draw will be the biggest so far with 10 prizes for the first time ever including cash prizes of £150 , £75 and 4 cash prizes of £25. There will also be 4 fantastic bonus prizes including two Christmas specials.

On Wednesday 29th December Nottingham Forest take on Huddersfield in the Championship and there will be 2 separate prizes of 2 places in a corporate box at the City Ground courtesy of our main sponsors Msr Newsgroup. There will also be a £50 Hooters voucher and finally a family pass for our Firework Extravaganza on Friday 29th October which promises to be a cracking night.

The club are proud of what the Supporters club have achieved in launching and maintaining this draw and are committed to sourcing extra prizes wherever possible and in this draw, the prize value is close on £1,000.

You can speak at the ground to either Alan Murphy, Chairman Mick Garton or Boatsy who along with the management and players are steadfastly behind this brilliant monthly draw. It has been a game changer for the club in so many ways and we now need to get the 150 numbers filled up , so please give this your support!


