
Home of the Millers


June 25, 2023


 Carlton Town’s presentation afternoon for the 2022/2023 season proved a cracking event and an emotional one at times following the death of Jackie North last week.

Chairman Mick Garton opened proceedings with some kind words and a toast in memory of Jackie, the Millers Chairman went on to thank sponsors and volunteers before getting down to the main business of the day.

The first big announcement was that the Shepshed friendly on Saturday 29th July is being sponsored by Barry North and the game will be held in memory of our Vice President and Barrry’s loving wife Jackie. A special tribute Programme will be printed for the game between two clubs Barry and Jackie had in their hearts.

Boatsy had a special canvas presented to him by programme editor Joe specially prepared by Lou Lardi in recognition off his continued fine efforts for the club and Boatsy stayed at the top table to help with the first Trophies awarded.

Clubman of the year went to Clubshop and coach away trip general Ken Jones, well deserved indeed! The Chairman’s award went to Jarred Holmes who is hanging up his boots and the Millers Chairman acknowledged not just Jarred’s last 2 or 3 years at Carlton, but his general contribution to Non League Football. The President’s award went to Niall Davie, who was made Club Captain at the end of last season, ahead of the new campaign, his injuries and comebacks are the stuff of legends.

After a break for food, an interview with Tommy and Mark after the last home game of the season, not previously seen was shown to the packed Howard Mitchell Sportsbar. Mark thanked and praised the lads who had stood by the club and not jumped ship and Tommy spoke of the moment when they offered their resignations.

The Interview was not put out as despite celebrating their final home win of the season which The Millers were confident had given them safety from relegation, there was no official confirmation of that for a number of days and the club did not want to embarrass themselves by celebrating prematurely.

Staying up might not seem something to celebrate, but many supporters would argue it felt pretty special given the challenges the club had been through after being moved into the Northern Premiere East League.

Time for the main awards as shown below, with Niayl Hilton winning the young player of the year, Kyle Sargent the Managers Player and Dan Brown the Players Player.

Supporters Chief Alan Murphy was next up and the easiest decision of the night was probably the next one with Niall Davie winning goal of the season and Dan Brown won the Supporters Club Player of the year, making it a fantastic double for the central defender.

Carlton are proud of Dan and all the deserved winners and in the coming days will have clips from a memorable Sunday afternoon including interviews with Niall Davie and Kyle Sargent.

For now, we will leave you with Tommy and Mark and their presentations and words and listen out from some fine words from that man Dan Brown , who says very little generally but had some poignant words as he recalled the great escape.

