
Home of the Millers


December 24, 2022


Carlton Town fans can look forward to a Boxing Day home fixture for the first time in years at Stoke Lane and it is a massive Local Derby with table topping Worksop Town the visitors.

Carlton are currently down in 17th place and have lots of work ahead of them if they are to climb the table and it won’t come much harder than this cracking Christmas fixture.

The Boxing Day game kicks off at 3pm and fans can follow all the other games with sky sports on in the Howard Mitchell Sportsbar.

Ahead of the big Boxing Day clash however, there is another treat in store for the Carlton Town faithful as that man Gary ‘Boatsy’ Clarke (pictured with newly appointed board member Mad Gav) makes a Christmas Day trip down to the ground to have a Christmas Day drink with Carlton Town TVs Josh Hodgson.

This will be only Boatsy’s 2nd official official interview since he took over as Commercial and Marketing chief and once again he has chosen to do it on Christmas Day.

Josh will ask Boatsy about his first full season at the club last year, no doubt touching on a few highlights and perhaps touching on a few personal things in his life like his son Charlie’s goal scoring goalkeeping escapades, which went viral earlier this year.

There is heavy rumours of a book launch in the new year with his friend and friend of the club Paul Lowe, not to mention his fantastic fund raising efforts for the club and charities through the club.

It as been a big year for the great man and we are sure while many will be waiting for the Kings speech , many will eagerly await this special Christmas Day broadcast on Carlton Town Tv which is scheduled for approximately 11am.

Finally from everyone involved with the club , a very Merry Christmas, Jingle Bells everyone!
