
Home of the Millers


May 2, 2022


Carlton Town may have a cup final to look forward to on Wednesday night, but at Stoke Lane on Sunday it was all about Ukraine, first at The Bill Stokeld Stadium and later at the Greyfriars.

After Carlton had raised £500 for fuel costs for getting aid to Ukraine at the John O Hare function in March, the Carlton Town Chairman Mick Garton contacted the Ukraine community and said the club would like to do more.

The community took up the offer of the first team pitch for the day and associated facilities and then  the Chairman and Boatsy hosted a meeting with Taz and the Greyfriars and a plan was hatched to have an event starting at the ground at Lunchtime and moving onto the Greyfriars later on and into the evening.

Carltons main Sponsors Msr Newsgroup donated to the Greyfriars auction along with season ticket holder Mad Graham and Boatsy and the news came through on bank holiday Monday that the Joint event had raised over an incredible £10,000.

Our very own Tim and Gaz Bee also played a significant role in the event and subsequent fund raising and its fair to say Carlton Town are absolutely delighted at the news.

Donations on the gate and the raffle, number cards and cake stall and face painting raised over £3,500 at Stoke Lane and a fantastic auction and follow up at the Greyfriars took the figure to over £10,000, we will announce the final figure when we have it.

The money will be split between two charities and will help get vital aid and support to the suffering Ukraine people.





