
Home of the Millers


November 15, 2022


There was no hiding the disappointment at the Carlton Town AGM of the Football Association’s decision to place Carlton Town in the Northern Premier East League, it has rankled with supporters. Management, committee and players alike and is costing the club an absolute fortune.

The latest twist is a midweek fixture and the Millers must travel to Hebburn Town on Tuesday 6th December which creates a situation where players will have to take time off work if allowed by their employers on the Tuesday afternoon and again on the Wednesday morning given the time they will likely get home.

The board agreed they would have find extra money to compensate the players and management for loss of wages, but given the current Travel budget is extremely stretched already, the money will have to be raised.

The board also accepted that if a number of Academy players with no first team experience, had to play in the game, so be it . Joint manager Mark Harvey subsequently told us they would put out the strongest side possible, but stressed that the trip would prove significant challenges.

Supporters Club representatives were the most vocal at the meeting and pointed out that few if any Millers supporters would be able to make the potential 7/8 hour round trip.

Supporters representative Greg did however come up with a positive idea to help raise money for the players.

He will help launch a £1,000 number card at the close of next week’s Christmas Luncheon with the winner getting £500 and the players the other £500 towards their loss of wages. A go on the super card will be £10 and all at the meeting indicated they would have a go or two.

Greg comfirmed to us today he has ordered the card and that it will only be drawn when all 100 numbers have been sold, but he is hoping that this can be achieved before Christmas, so the draw can be carried out at the Club’s Annual Christmas Draw.

Chairman Mick Garton also pledged to donate extra significant prizes to the Christmas Luncheon to help raise money towards this and the travel budget and the supporters club agreed that the 150 club would also be happy for some of their fund raising to go on the overall travel budget for the season given this season’s many long journeys.

Despite the anger from the supporters in particular at the meeting, everyone generally accepted it is what it is and Vice Chairman Barry North explained the league rules and how the current situation had come around.

A plea for positivety was adhered to and the remainder of the meeting was focused on the success of the previous season, the current success of the Howard Mitchell Sportsbar, improved gates over the last 12 months and Carlton’s notable contribution to the local community.

It has already been well documented that Mad Gav and Kerry had been invited onto the club’s commitee,at the end of last season along with Mad Graham and that vote was carried unanimously by the board. To facilitate that the board voted to increase potential commitee membership to up to 20 volunteers from the previous number of 15.

In other important news, the club comfirmed that they would be holding a Christmas food bank on Saturday 10th December for the visit of Bridlington, with the cost of living crisis getting worst week on week , this will prove massively important to the local community and councillor Paul Wilkinson (pictured) was quickly in touch with the club when news break to highlight his appreciation.

In more positive news the Christmas Luncheon has all but sold out with less than 10 tickets left at £40 each for the afternoon with Mark Crossley on Friday 25th November 1pm.

The 150 club too is proving an absolute life line for the club again this season and only 3 numbers now remain , numbers 65, 66 and 97 can be snapped up by contacting Boatsy on 07907 064189 at £10 per month for each number with the next draw on Saturday 26th November when the Millers entertain Lincoln United at Stoke Lane.

The board also agreed that there would be a fund raising Sunday afternoon with Dj sets in Nottingham’s famous Dragon pub in the new year possibly in February.

It is very easy to have a board meeting with lots of moans and groans which can often be the case. but with the exception of the travelling, this was a very positive AGM with a hope that next season the club if still in this division, can be returned to the Midland League, because when all said and done that is where we are situated!



