Carlton Town hold their annual day at the races this coming Sunday and are expecting well over 100 people to be attending, but the number is nowhere near the 300/400 Carlton normally take to what in the past has been a July event and will leave the club well short financially of their projected income forecast.
It proves yet another financial challenge for the Chairman and commercial team as they attempt to keep covering significant outgoings, which without the fund raising would leave the club in serious debt.
The second music event therefore at the Dragon Pub on Long Row which is scheduled for Sunday 19th May from 2pm takes on extra significance.
Highly regarded local Soul and Motown Dj Gary Hitchcock has offered his services free of charge to the club for the event and is expected to feature from 3.30pm to 4.30pm before the Chairman 80’s Extravaganza.
Josh Hodgson and Alan Murphy who is pictured in full Dj mode at the first event above are scheduled to take the early slots for an event which now takes on extra significance with the addition of a specialist Motown and Soul Dj with his own extensive vinyl selection.
There will be no charge to enter the event, but the club will once again hold a Spring draw and with donations from Castle Rock, the Navigation Brewery and Msr Newsgroup already to name but three , the club will be hoping to get as close as possible to the £1,060 raised at the first event which went down a storm !