
Home of the Millers


February 22, 2022


Tuesday 22nd February was a good day off the pitch for Carlton Town with a significant number of tickets sold for the John o’ Hare evening in the last 24 hours meaning the event is all but sold out,

A big thankyou to four new members of the 150 club Kate Gray who has taken number 149, Adam Locke has taken number 10 and Simon Charlton number 129 and Paul Scott number 99 which only became available today.

Numbers now remaining are 52, 63, 74, 98, 116 and 145 . Contact Boatsy on 07907 064189 to commit £10 per month to the club and have the chance of winning one of 6 monthly cash prizes with a first prize of £150 and in the March draw, there is a special prize donated by Millers Chairman Mick Garton of Corporate hospitality in a box at Trent Bridge to include food and drink worth over £250 for the T20 game between Nottinghamshire  Outlaws and Lancashire Lighting on Tuesday May 31st in this years T20 blast. The competition is run by the Carlton Town Supporters Club.

The even bigger news however is that we have a fantastic new guest for the Halesowen game.

Nottinghamshire’s director of Cricket Mick Newell was the special guest scheduled for last Saturday but is unavailable for the new date of Saturday 5th March, Mick however is committed to coming as our special guest and will be rebooked for a future date.

The new special guest however is Nottinghamshire star Luke Fletcher who had an outstanding season last year and was a hit a few years ago when he spoke at the ground along with Samit Patel.

Luke will be interviewed by the Millers Chairman at around 2.20pm in the Howard Mitchell Sportsbar prior to next week’s kick off.

Luke is pictured with Boatsy’s son Charlie on our cover picture.

News of Luke’s appearance has helped the Millers fill up their Sponsorship packages for the game with Dave Perrin from Times Furniture sponsoring the Mascot and Redrow Homes have come forward today to sponsor the match, a massive thankyou to them and to Paul Manuel who is sponsoring the Programme and Men United who have sponsored the Matchball.

Jackie and Barry North will now sponsor the Yaxley game.

Sponsorship packages for the remaining games are filling up fast, Boatsy will announce what is left in the coming days.
