
Home of the Millers


May 21, 2023


Carlton Town are delighted to announce their second signing of the weekend with long standing Gedling Miners Welfare Manager Andy Clerk joining the back room staff at Stoke Lane.

Tommy Brookbanks has given us an extensive statement.

“Great for us to have Andy on board. Me and mark have known him for a long time and have the utmost respect for him not only as a person but also for the job he has done at gedling welfare over the last few years. Theres no hiding the fact that our club is going through a transition period going into our second season in the east league and all the costs etc that they will entail. Therefore we were looking for fresh ideas both on the pitch and off it and for us Andy provides us with that. As a club we have to be looking at the youth policy and also local talent so the extra help Andy will provide is vital. We see this as exciting times for carlton as we strive to provide a young energetic squad that can compete in the league and cups and also connect with our ever growing fan base. It is a long term appointment with the hope that Andy can learn off us and also about the standard etc with a view to him hopefully one day taking over our club. There will be alot of activity both in and out in the coming weeks so would ask our supporters etc to be patient and place their trust in us and our team to bring the correct players to the club. Thanks to Gedling Welfare for their cooperation in all of this and welcome on board Andy !”

Andy although sad in many ways to be leaving Gedling is up for the new challenge and can’t wait to get stuck in and told us.

“I’m delighted to be joining such a great club in Carlton Town. It’s a club I’ve had a long affiliation with having known the management team, Mick Garton and several of the committee for many years. Since the point myself, Tommy & Mark started talking about me coming on board I knew it was a project I wanted to get involved with. There’s a great base of players already here that I’m looking forward to working with and we’ll all be working extremely hard over the non season to strengthen in a few areas as well. From the outside Carlton always strikes you as a club that pulls together, always something going on to move things forward both on & off the pitch. That ambition & togetherness is a big part of the pull for me joining and I can’t wait to get started with you all”
