
Home of the Millers


June 24, 2023


      • Carlton Town are devastated to announce the death of their Vice President Jackie North, wife of our Vice Chairman Barry North.

Jackie was diagnosed with Cancer 2 and half months ago and after a tough battle in hospital over the last few weeks, sadly passed away this week.

Barry has asked us to pass on his thanks and deep appreciation for all the kind messages he has received in the last couple of days after news of Jackie’s passing started to circulate.

Tributes have started to pour in to the supporters club and to this website and Chairman Mick Garton told us “I spoke at length with Barry yesterday and passed on our condolences to him, Gary and the family, even though a few of us knew things were not looking great, it is still a devastating blow, we all loved Jackie’s sparkling personality, she was our Duchess and we will miss her very much” said The Millers Chairman.

Club President Roger Smith told us” She had a great presence, personality and lovely sense of humour and our thoughts go out to Barry and the family at this difficult time, we will most certainly miss her”

Joint Manager Tommy Brookbanks who was heavily involved with persuading Barry and Jackie to join Carlton some four years ago spoke on behalf of himself and Mark and the Coaching staff.

“Our deepest sympathys go to our dear friend and vc on the passing of his wonderful wife and our vp Jackie North. Both have supported us hugely theoughout our careers and we have been personal friends for a long time. Indeed they were the first 2 people we got on board once we knew we’d be at carlton. It was lovely to spend the final game with Jackie sitting in the bar until 8 pm laughing and joking. We knew at the time it would probably be the last time we did this because of her illness but it remains a very happy and poignant memory”

New Club Captain Niall Davie and Vice Captain Khyle Sargent spoke to us and have given us a lovely statement on behalf of the players.

“On behalf of all the players and everyone related to Carlton Town Football Club, we would like to send our deepest condolences to Barry and the rest of the family. Jackie was ever present down at the football club and apart of the millers family. It will be strange not to see Jackie there next to Barry watching the games and also in the bar afterwards. Match days won’t quite be the same without her there. Forever in our thoughts, rest in peace Jackie“

Supporters Club Chief Alan Murphy spoke on behalf of the club supporters and told us

“The supporters are devastated to hear of Jackie’s passing. Since she, Barry and Gary started coming to Carlton a few years ago, the whole family have become much-loved around Stoke Lane. And none more so than Jackie with her forthright opinions and her infectious enthusiasm. She will be truly missed by all as is clear from the countless messages that have come into the Supporters Club. RIP.”

Dave Hodgson was another who sent us a lovely message

“I was deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Jackie North after a short illness. Jackie was such a warm friendly person who, along with Barry and Gary, showed such a love for Carlton Town. Her sense of humour and cheeky smile will be missed by everyone who was lucky enough to know her. The numerous kind messages from our fans are a demonstration of how much her involvement at the club was appreciated. Barry and Gary should take strength from the support they will always have from the Carlton Town family. We are all thinking of you at this difficult time.”

Boatsy was another who has been in touch with kind words.

“👍😍As commercial manager of the club I was devastated at the news of Jackie’s passing and short illness.She was a wonderful woman who had time for everyone and will be sadly missed by all.My sincere condolences goes out to Barry and his family💙💛💔”

Sunday afternoons presentation will go ahead with Jackie very much at the forefront of everybody’s thoughts and all of the clubs supporters are invited to the ground from 2pm.
