
Home of the Millers


October 21, 2019


Carlton Town Chairman Mick Garton has revealed that he has been given a massive boost at the club by the arrival of Barry North and his family and Mick and Barry are pictured in the bar at Worksop Town after Saturday’s excellent 1-0 win.

“All the talk is about what Tommy and Mark and their coaching staff and the players are achieving and rightfully so and I totally get that” said the Millers Chairman.

“I want to place it on record however, that the contribution made by Barry and Jackie North behind the scenes has been outstanding, they are both real fantastic football people and it has taken a lot of pressure off me, things have to be right both on and off the pitch and they are helping ensure that this is very much the case at this club”

“I have been very lucky throughout my tenure to have two excellent Vice Chairman in Chuck Fowler and Paul King and when Paul stepped down last season, I was gutted but understood why and it was vital that as a club, we had to make sure that his replacement was the right man to help move the club forward ”

“I can already say after only working with Barry for only a relatively short period of time that this has been a brilliant appointment”

“He understands the game, the issues that arise, the challenges and is pretty much at every game with the full knowledge, I can’t always be there because of other commitments and responsibilities which I have and are well documented and with Paul unable to attend games last season, it did leave a vacuum which has now been properly filled thanks to Barry and Jackie”

“I have spoken to the website tonight, because I just thought that this needed saying and I would like to place on record that I hope Barry, Jackie and their lovely son Gary are with us for a long time to come, they are an absolute credit to this football club” concluded the Chairman.

Barry himself is looking forward to his first Firework Extravaganza with the club on Friday night and Carlton Town Tv will catch up with him soon to get his thoughts on his first couple of months at the club.
